
Member since ‎Sep 15, 2020
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Rodrigo Cunha

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JimyMason on September 08, 2020
Currently when a date property is used in Hubspot, you only have the option of the format DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY, depending on your region. Being able to choose other formats would be hugely beneficial, especially for marketing emails, as in many read more
12 Replies
January 16, 2024
How has this not been done? Some platforms want to push data into HS and we need to use a string field with all the inherent limitations in more
amoa on February 10, 2020
Especially in the latter stages of the sales process, we are sharing Sales Documents with leads quite extensively. Whereas the tracking and reporting on the Sales Document page itself is good - I can see a full list of who downloaded the document read more
November 25, 2022
This seems like such an oversight that is hard to understand how it hasn't been done.
rodcunha on August 23, 2022
Hi, The Problem: We have ran into an issue that I thought would be a lot easier to resolve than actually is. There doesn't seem to be a conversation property for owner that is assignable or can be copied to the contact, nor there seems to be read more
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LVered on September 19, 2021
I think it would be helpful if I could add a date range for a dashboard instead of editing each report with the rolling dates.
January 05, 2022
I totally agree with this. This makes so much sense I can't believe this has had no upvotes so far. I was going to submit this very idea just now.
rodcunha on November 16, 2021
I recently had some trouble understanding why lists wouldn't populate when I used the same filters as in contacts. As it happens the lists have been given an added functionality to filter in or out results with empty properties while this was defaul read more
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Mr_E on October 18, 2017
The admin account should have the ability to login as other user accounts. This would allow the admin to change the various settings, like notifications, that can only be changed at the user level. Great time and user frustration saver
84 Replies
October 08, 2021
I would like for us to be added to this beta too. Thanks. R
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