
Member since ‎Sep 14, 2020
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Anne-Marie Hofmann

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amhofmann on July 13, 2021
Currently, if I want to check for duplicate tickets, or I want to check to see if a contact simply has multiple open tickets, I have to go to the contact record for the contact associated with the ticket, and check there. It's an extra step that fe read more
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amhofmann on July 13, 2021
Currently, you can sort ticket views by any table header, except the associated contact or company. There are many instances (daily) where I have the same person submit more than one ticket about the exact same issue. Within an hour or so. Both ti read more
1 Reply
July 13, 2021
Agreed. This one is a completely unnecessary step and creates a lot of tickets with no owner. It should be an optional feature at minimum.
July 13, 2021
This issue was opened in August of 2019...should we assume it won't ever happen? 😕 The page should also force a refresh if someone else changes more
July 13, 2021
I'm a bit shocked that this hasn't been upvoted or commented on. Collission notifications inside of tickets would indeed be extremely useful. It's a more
July 12, 2021
@AGreen3 When you create a new ticket, you can go to the contact's email history, and associate the email from the old ticket with the new ticket. more
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