
Miembro desde ‎sep 12, 2020
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Tselani Drew

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Tselani en Octubre 03, 2023
It would be helpful to be able to us regex as an importable library when using python for custom coded actions (import re). In general i'd love to see HubSpot Custom Coded action expand on the current imporatble library list, maybe to include th Leer más
5 Me gusta
2 Respuestas
Tselani en May 10, 2023
Provide the Super Admin with the ability to force a review of user workflows before they are published.
0 Me gusta
0 Respuestas
Abril 20, 2023
It seems like this behavior has significantly changed. We no longer have the ability to remove an option that has records with the selected value. Th...Leer más
Abril 20, 2023
I would like to see this for all of the objects on their respective creation screens.
Febrero 14, 2022
This would be an extremely useful feature. Whether we leave it up to the users or as an admin feature where we can set this for each record type woul...Leer más
Agosto 25, 2021
This would be really useful at our firm if HubSpot for Windows was deployable to all machines. The Office 365 version of the add in can be deploy...Leer más
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