
Member since ‎Sep 11, 2020
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Paul Stoermer

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GDover on January 08, 2021
I need a quick way of exporting the list of users in HubSpot so I can regularly check with HR that all of these people are still working here. At the moment I have to copy and paste each line.
June 07, 2021
@CraigBailey , good point. A smart intern built us a custom script, but it messes up German special characters in Names ("ä","ü","ö","ß") and more
gillytech on February 25, 2019
As it stands the HubSpot API will accept the HAPI Key for all requests. As a corollary this means that anyone who has the HAPI Key can do anything with the account. Such as: Export all contact information Send any email campaign Manage us read more
June 02, 2021
@rad , you have put this into "in planning" status April 2020, can you give an update? It there an expected timeline for delivering this more
GDover on January 08, 2021
I need a quick way of exporting the list of users in HubSpot so I can regularly check with HR that all of these people are still working here. At the moment I have to copy and paste each line.
June 07, 2021
@CraigBailey , good point. A smart intern built us a custom script, but it messes up German special characters in Names ("ä","ü","ö","ß") and more
GDover on January 08, 2021
I need a quick way of exporting the list of users in HubSpot so I can regularly check with HR that all of these people are still working here. At the moment I have to copy and paste each line.
June 07, 2021
@CraigBailey , good point. A smart intern built us a custom script, but it messes up German special characters in Names ("ä","ü","ö","ß") and more
PSMS on February 01, 2021
Target Group of Idea Admins of multi-country organisations Companies with strict legal teams which take data protection serious Improvements desired Data Privacy & consent defaults: Allow manually adding languages for companies with read more
GDover on January 08, 2021
I need a quick way of exporting the list of users in HubSpot so I can regularly check with HR that all of these people are still working here. At the moment I have to copy and paste each line.
June 07, 2021
@CraigBailey , good point. A smart intern built us a custom script, but it messes up German special characters in Names ("ä","ü","ö","ß") and more
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