
Membro desde ‎set 8, 2020
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Florian Wimmer


ssmith_cmc on Outubro 02, 2017
Currently, only Google Calendar or Outlook 365 are compatible with HubSpot Meetings. It would be great to see additional calendar compatibility with other Microsoft licenses, particularly Outlook 2013 available via Microsoft Office Professional Plus Leia mais
100 avaliações positivas
58 Respostas
Setembro 29, 2021
@MArzt : there was a button directly at the meeting setup. Same as under settings /connect calendar.
ssmith_cmc on Outubro 02, 2017
Currently, only Google Calendar or Outlook 365 are compatible with HubSpot Meetings. It would be great to see additional calendar compatibility with other Microsoft licenses, particularly Outlook 2013 available via Microsoft Office Professional Plus Leia mais
100 avaliações positivas
58 Respostas
Setembro 29, 2021
@MArzt : there was a button directly at the meeting setup. Same as under settings /connect calendar.
ssmith_cmc on Outubro 02, 2017
Currently, only Google Calendar or Outlook 365 are compatible with HubSpot Meetings. It would be great to see additional calendar compatibility with other Microsoft licenses, particularly Outlook 2013 available via Microsoft Office Professional Plus Leia mais
100 avaliações positivas
58 Respostas
Setembro 29, 2021
@MArzt : there was a button directly at the meeting setup. Same as under settings /connect calendar.
thatalexd on Março 20, 2020
In the Marketing Email function, you can create folders in folders in folders forever, and you can move emails/files between folders no problem. But God forbid you make a mistake or want to reorganize later, because you can't move the folders t Leia mais
28 avaliações positivas
10 Respostas
Setembro 28, 2021
Agree. A clear folder structure where you can also build folders inside of folders would help to keep things better organized.
RyanBarbour on Abril 27, 2017
When using a summary report, would be great to have some sorting options so you could sort by biggest/smallest value or sort by alphabetical order.
38 avaliações positivas
17 Respostas
Março 18, 2021
Yes please - that would help tremendously. We would like to have a list of target companies. When was last activity under what owner, what´s the dea...Leia mais
Mr_E on Outubro 18, 2017
The admin account should have the ability to login as other user accounts. This would allow the admin to change the various settings, like notifications, that can only be changed at the user level. Great time and user frustration saver
190 avaliações positivas
84 Respostas
Novembro 10, 2020
I see this as a crucial right and would be glad if this could be programmed.
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