
Member since ‎Sep 7, 2020
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Jason Suckling

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Qizzle on September 02, 2024
If you are looking at an activity feed, and there are multiple activity records that need editing to remove or add an association, it would be good to be able to check all the activity records that apply, and edit in one go. Rather than having to op read more
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asoconnor on October 02, 2018
Would love to have an "edit" button for scheduled emails instead of having to delete the email entirely and re-schedule. Thanks!
62 Replies
August 27, 2024
Currently if you want to change the date/time of a one-to-one scheduled email to a contact, you have to delete the email. This is a nuisance if more
Qizzle on July 23, 2024
When you are producing a report, it would be good to be able to apply a weighted value to any quantity based metrics. For example, if you are doing a report on user activity, and it is ranked, it would be nice to be able to give one type of acti read more
TWallen on July 20, 2023
By design, anytime you associate an activity to a company record it will also associate the activity to the 5 most recent open deals associated to the company. Our issue is there's no way to turn this off setting. It's a hassle because these dea read more
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June 12, 2024
Yep, this is annoying. When I go to an open deal, I am met with a ton of irrelevant activity history (specifically one-to-one communications) that I more
Qizzle on January 11, 2024
Have the ability to automate call summaries for all outbound calls in HubSpot, rather than requiring the user to click on "Generate Call summary" under the call record.
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Qizzle on July 09, 2023
For those of us trying to compare user activity output by people who work different amounts of time in a day, reporting by "today" etc., is not sufficient. And seeing as HubSpot already records the timestamp on activity, it would be great if we coul read more
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