
Member since ‎Sep 4, 2020
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Isabelle Braeutigam

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Jnix284 on August 26, 2022
I cleared my cache and have logged back into HubSpot, but when I visit website pages I no longer have the sprocket menu. I use this constantly, anyone know how to get it back? I tried removing the sales extension as mentioned here , and read more
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9 Replies
May 03, 2024
I had the same issue. All is solved now that cookies are allowed. Thank you for sharing the solution!!!
TGrabert on December 18, 2020
We can access templates for emails but cannot access anything in our playbooks. That makes no sense to me. If I'm mobile and want to send something from playbook like an agreement after a call to customer, I have to go outside the HubSpot to email read more
48 Replies
March 04, 2024
Our team would use this!!!!
melrho on February 23, 2024
As stated on the knowledge base , only super admins are allowed to receive notifications for when a payment is initiated or fails, when a payment is received, and when a payout is created or fails. It would be nice to have more granular control o read more
February 26, 2024
This would be SO helpful for our team. I've got several users on our Finance team who should not have HubSpot super-admin access but need to receive more
Rangrachel on August 23, 2023
Hi team! It'll be beneficial to have some sort of sorting/organization on the page editors if we were to upload images from HubSpot files. At the moment, files can be organized and are in order. However, it goes out of order when we try to upload im read more
August 24, 2023
Our company would MAJORLY benefit from this. While our files are organized in our file folder, it doesn't translate when updating web or landing more
clairebrown_ on July 16, 2020
In the dashboards, there should be a description area below the report title on each report. It'll help anyone, regardless of team or role, understand the filters applied to and the goal of the report. It'd be cleaner than trying to include a brief read more
49 Replies
June 29, 2022
I second this idea!! This would be very helpful for my entire team. Hoping HubSpot makes this possible soon!
ifaith on April 13, 2022
Hi HubSpot Team, I am looking to create revenue goals based on product/project type. We are a remodeling company and have revenue goals based on the type of jobs we sell each year (basements, kitchens, decks etc.) I would like to be able t read more
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