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Jeff Williams

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Jeff5 on Mai 18, 2021
Currently, only a time stamp is included in the chat date. As transcripts get moved around, forwarded (often by contacts)...there is a potential of being uncertain of the actual date the chat occurred...without accessing the HubSpot Beitrag ansehen
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gelflex-cc on März 04, 2020
Currently CRM free version I have not looked into this. Thought I would start here. We were using HubSpot free CRM for a specific segment of customers who would order through a distributor. Our accounting software then did not matter. N Beitrag ansehen
November 23, 2020
Thanks for the information Flowbird. Could you explain a bit further how the bpa from Fisher was integrated? Is the integration on-demand, batch, rea...Beitrag ansehen
AnaïsB on Januar 09, 2019
Hi everyone, Here is my trick for getting a custom contact property with the number of Sales email openings / Sales email clicks by contact, as it's not available yet either in the UX or the API. I've had this talk with several people, and Beitrag ansehen
17 Antworten
Oktober 22, 2020
Hi Stefano, I love the spirit of your solution and I suspect you will probably get it to work. However, there is a shorter (maybe easier) way to ...Beitrag ansehen
MikeCNorthrup on November 20, 2019
Hi all, Is there a best practice for indicating that contact has left a company, without removing their historic data from the company record?
13 Antworten
September 15, 2020
Just for clarification: Using your suggestion below, 'opting out' the old company email address, then adding their new email address, will increa...Beitrag ansehen
AnaïsB on Januar 09, 2019
Hi everyone, Here is my trick for getting a custom contact property with the number of Sales email openings / Sales email clicks by contact, as it's not available yet either in the UX or the API. I've had this talk with several people, and Beitrag ansehen
17 Antworten
Oktober 22, 2020
Hi Stefano, I love the spirit of your solution and I suspect you will probably get it to work. However, there is a shorter (maybe easier) way to ...Beitrag ansehen
AnaïsB on Januar 09, 2019
Hi everyone, Here is my trick for getting a custom contact property with the number of Sales email openings / Sales email clicks by contact, as it's not available yet either in the UX or the API. I've had this talk with several people, and Beitrag ansehen
17 Antworten
Oktober 22, 2020
Hi Stefano, I love the spirit of your solution and I suspect you will probably get it to work. However, there is a shorter (maybe easier) way to ...Beitrag ansehen
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