
Member since ‎Aug 3, 2017
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Johannes_LAC on July 07, 2017
we have restricitive requirements here in Germany (Double-opt-in) for emails. I would like allow customers to sign up the Newsletter (e.g. in the Footer) and fill in a contact form on the same page. If I activitate the double opt-in, both actions th read more
73 Replies
August 28, 2018
Ohhh yes. We need that, too. I am playing around with hidden forms being filled out when we scan a business card and it always sends out and opt in more
RachelCarollo on March 13, 2017
The Prospects tool does not currently support filtering based on specific URL visits. 'Number of Page Views' is the only filter related to views/visits supported in the Prospects tool at this time. Would love to be able to see all visits that came read more
April 06, 2018
I'm still waiting for this deperatly
RachelCarollo on March 13, 2017
The Prospects tool does not currently support filtering based on specific URL visits. 'Number of Page Views' is the only filter related to views/visits supported in the Prospects tool at this time. Would love to be able to see all visits that came read more
April 06, 2018
I'm still waiting for this deperatly
ndwilliams3 on January 25, 2017
Currently Lead Flows are limited to text only contact proprty fields. It is a great feature as it makes it extremely easy to add forms and CTA's across an entire site or multiple pages with little effort. For customers on the paid marketing platform read more
18 Replies
September 01, 2017
I found a workaround: I just included a new field in my workflow and ask for "Herr/Frau" and hope my click-sheeps will fill this out right. then I more
Michele1 on April 20, 2017
Hi! Problem: while entering their first and last name in a form, people digit them either uppercase, lowercase, initial etc. The contact profile is updated at every form submission with the way last time the name/surname are digited. But if then t read more
3 Replies
August 03, 2017
Please note that u sing filters on personalization variables (contact and company variables) is not currently supported for email in HubSpot. more
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