
Member since ‎Sep 3, 2020
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Phisher on December 11, 2020
Hello Hubspotters. I am trying to determine if the numbers I am seeing in my Sales Content Analytics are good or bad. I don't want to compare them to marketing communications benchmarks, since they're a completely differnt animal - so articles lik read more
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2 Replies
December 13, 2020
Actually I accepted that a bit too quick. I thought the 6% at the beginning of the chart was the base rate and I could figure the change in response more
Phisher on December 11, 2020
Hello Hubspotters. I am trying to determine if the numbers I am seeing in my Sales Content Analytics are good or bad. I don't want to compare them to marketing communications benchmarks, since they're a completely differnt animal - so articles lik read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 13, 2020
Actually I accepted that a bit too quick. I thought the 6% at the beginning of the chart was the base rate and I could figure the change in response more
Phisher on December 03, 2020
Hello all. I'm hoping someone an help: I built a report that shows Sales reps weekly activity. The numbers that resulted don't look right to me. Reps are showing a much higher email activity than I would have expected for the last several weeks. I a read more
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2 Replies
December 03, 2020
Thank you. No wonder I couldn't find any info on it. WHy would anyone write about something so obvious. Just plain dumb of me to not realize I could more
Phisher on December 03, 2020
Hello all. I'm hoping someone an help: I built a report that shows Sales reps weekly activity. The numbers that resulted don't look right to me. Reps are showing a much higher email activity than I would have expected for the last several weeks. I a read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
December 03, 2020
Thank you. No wonder I couldn't find any info on it. WHy would anyone write about something so obvious. Just plain dumb of me to not realize I could more
Mhpoulsen on February 05, 2019
I am really confused here. Since there's no way to change the lifecycle stage property (booo HubSpot), I was wondering what you guys are doing out there. What lifecycle stage do you assign churned clients. Do you keep it as it is or do you set i read more
17 Replies
November 29, 2020
Great response. With that set up can lead scoring change the custom property that allows you to better define what "Other" is? Also will records be more
fmacpherson on June 30, 2017
HubSpot doesn't have the ability to revert the Lifecycle Stage to Lead for Opportunities that have been Closed Lost. If a contact is associated with a Company where there has previously been an Opportunity which was lost, that contact's Lifecycle read more
17 Replies
November 29, 2020
My reply to this is idea is that I am flabbergasted that this issue, impacting so many users, has been in exsistance for all this time and Hubspot more
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