
Member since ‎Sep 2, 2020
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hubspot_user2 on April 03, 2024
Our calling staff often get referred to a contact that is then added manually into hubspot. However, that contact is not part of a list and becomes an "orphan". I would like to take all of these orphans, who aren't in lists and have been added manua read more
hubspot_user2 on April 20, 2021
I would like the ability to create a list of deals and be able to choose the deal properties for an export. I can create lists of deals at this time but they are contact-centric rather than deal-centric. So, for instance, I can create a list of Clos read more
13 Replies
September 16, 2020
@edjusten Seriously, any idea when this is going to get done? It seems pretty straight forward.
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