
Member since ‎Aug 28, 2020
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Jonathan Hobday

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Steph2304 on September 09, 2019
Hi, I have just learnt that meetings are 100% synchronized with Google Calendar, without the ability to filter out the internal ones or correct the activity manually afterwards. From my perspective, this pretty much makes the "Meeting" goal read more
22 Replies
March 14, 2022
How can email filtering be obvious, but not internal meeting filtering. Agree with OP but need the meeting KPI to be correct. It is not an option to more
eisenbri on February 11, 2020
Within deals we have to be able to put percents into property fields that read as percents to avoid confusion. For example, when working with partners, they get paid different percentages and this is used to calculate their commission and then final read more
36 Replies
September 04, 2020
An absolute must for a sales and amrketing manmagem,ent platform: %age win, %age risk, %margin %progress... etc....
KeeganSmith87 on April 23, 2020
We're struggling with the inability for reporting to display percentages versus JUST numbers. For instance, in this example: If you have the TOTAL number of the stacked bar and the sub numbers broken out already, to also have the abi read more
September 04, 2020
This should be obvious for a Sales and Marketing platfomr!!!
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