
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Aug 25, 2020
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Devin Holmes (DIMG)

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ZSinger on February 24, 2022
Is there a way to update the list of dropdown select values via a workflow? Use case: We have a list of channel partners we are managing through target accounts. If a specific team owns a company and adds them to their target accounts, then I woul read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 17, 2024
@ZSinger My team just implemeted this exact scenario for a client using custom code in a workflow. It only took an hour or so to code. Let me more
hroberts on August 28, 2017
We should have the ability to add the meeting location information somewhere on the meetings booking page. Many contacts who book meetings often ask where the meeting will be held, as they don't check the event details once it's booked. I know you read more
112 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 14, 2024
@glencornell Any updates on this? Just had another client ask me about this. Thanks!
HelenPantel on March 23, 2023
Currently we cannot select or reference meeting attendees in reporting. This would be a very important feature for reporting on sales activities. As several salespeople can attend the same meeting, we're currently unable to accurately report on read more
44 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 04, 2024
+1 many of my customers are now asking for this as well.
katie_cort on January 18, 2021
Noted in this documentation: Question: Is there any data transfer between parent and child companies? Answer: "No. Right now, all associated contacts and deals, as well as all activities logged on the company records, will remain on the c read more
23 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
August 30, 2023
Any updates to this idea? It's been 2 1/2 years and it's a feature that is sorely lacking in HubSpot.
PaulDerstine on April 25, 2017
I recently needed to update EVERY form individually to restrict certain email domains on each submission form.  It would have been a HUGE time saver if HubSpot had a global setting to allow me to simultaneously set these restrictions on all read more
108 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
February 24, 2023
Upvoted! HubSpot - Instead of having the Email Domains to Block option at the form level, just take the functionality and move it to the more
CPSCB on May 05, 2020
Feedback surveys only allow two ways to customize the design in the Theme section: Replace featured image (no resizing possible) Change color of header bar Result is Feedback Surveys do not align with brand standards and do not send an obvious read more
32 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
February 16, 2023
+1 3 years after the idea was submitted, still no progress. I have several clients that still use Survey Monkey because of this problem.
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