
Member since ‎Aug 23, 2020
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Danny Strood

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danny2327 on April 17, 2024
I'm not expecting there to be, but I'll ask anyways. Is there any way to add a script tag to all articles, instead of having to click click click click and do it 100+ times? API doesn't seem to have anything for KB at all. TIA
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3 Replies
April 18, 2024
Hi Anton, Thanks for this, but I must be missing something here, as when I go to the template, I do not have anywhere to put any script or HTML. more
danny2327 on April 17, 2024
I'm not expecting there to be, but I'll ask anyways. Is there any way to add a script tag to all articles, instead of having to click click click click and do it 100+ times? API doesn't seem to have anything for KB at all. TIA
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3 Replies
April 18, 2024
Hi Anton, Thanks for this, but I must be missing something here, as when I go to the template, I do not have anywhere to put any script or HTML. more
laureness on June 16, 2020
when a meeting is booked, the invitation goes out with the zoom meeting link. After that, the reminder emails only include details in the invitation description but does not include the location. The location is the zoom meeting link so people have read more
8 Replies
March 25, 2024
Absolutely unreal that this still has not been addressed. The information is there, so this SHOULD be a simple addition.
danny2327 on November 09, 2023
Sorry if this is the wrong location. I am trying to use the import tool to update some contact records and sometimes need to overwrite a field to be empty. I can't see how. I saw this post: read more
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danny2327 on August 08, 2023
In the conversations page, you can do an internal comment not visible to the customer. Many of the team use the slack integration which generally works great, but I'm wondering if there is some slash command to make a comment the same way? read more
August 09, 2023
Hi Anton, Thanks for this. It's not actually what I meant, but that is really cool and I didn't know that. What I was actually looking for more
danny2327 on August 08, 2023
In the conversations page, you can do an internal comment not visible to the customer. Many of the team use the slack integration which generally works great, but I'm wondering if there is some slash command to make a comment the same way? read more
August 09, 2023
Hi Anton, Thanks for this. It's not actually what I meant, but that is really cool and I didn't know that. What I was actually looking for more
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