
Member since ‎Aug 20, 2020
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Amy Joyce

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AmyJ on January 26, 2021
It would be good if we were able to filter tasks on things other than priority. We should be given the option to see 'tomorrow's tasks rather than looking at upcoming and having to sit and count the ones for tomorrow (or another relevant day). read more
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AmyJ on December 09, 2020
I have a few automations set within HubSpot. I notice that the automation isnt set for a specific type, for example, I will spend the morning clearing my tasks to move onto something else, near thr end of the day I will check my tasks and a number w read more
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AmyJ on November 05, 2020
It would be a great idea to display any 'overdue' task in the same list as 'due today' this would avoid having to flick between the two tabs and missing the ones that have been automated.
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AmyJ on August 25, 2020
I've used the live chat to speak to your support a few times now (great team BTW) however i've found it a little annoying that the chat doesn't appear in a separate browser window. When im flicking through pages the page refreshes i have to wait for read more
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AmyJ on August 20, 2020
I have been using the deals stage to organise our new sales/opportunities. I am aware currently the system can create a task from an action within the deal/ticket section which is great however, I am advised this isnt possible with the tasks feature read more
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