
Member since ‎Aug 20, 2020
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ABhambere on July 02, 2024
Hi, Hi is it possible in hubspot to pull data using PUT request? In my case databricks will push data from S3 to Hubspot via put request, if it is feasible? Also can we pull calls, emails, tasks, meetings, accounts which are present in salesfo read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
October 11, 2024
@ABhambere , did you end up solving this?
JoshVe on October 11, 2024
We are using metabase for our data needs. I am looking for a way to pull some of the data to present it in Hubspot for the support team. Example: Metas base holds data about client KPI, "project results" I want to be able to add this read more
October 11, 2024
Josh, No problem. The explanation will potentially make it sound even more technical, but I can give it a shot. Metabase is for sure more
Ksheetizreal on September 27, 2024
I don't have much developing experience but I have developed a framework to export a report every hour which needs to be done on a local machine. This is how its going to work. 1. Every hour the script goes to the hubspot report's link 2. It will read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
October 11, 2024
Can you tell me more about exactly what you're trying to accomplish? Why does the export need to go to a local machine? What happens to the file more
JoshVe on October 11, 2024
We are using metabase for our data needs. I am looking for a way to pull some of the data to present it in Hubspot for the support team. Example: Metas base holds data about client KPI, "project results" I want to be able to add this read more
October 11, 2024
Josh, No problem. The explanation will potentially make it sound even more technical, but I can give it a shot. Metabase is for sure more
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