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Member since ‎Aug 19, 2020
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Emil Virbert Kronqvist

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Member | Partner
February 21, 2022
Oops, I thought I did, my bad. Just reposted in the correct place, I will remove this post from here.
EmilVK on February 21, 2022
When creating social posts it would be nice to be able to add titles and/or tags to them so that we may, internally, get a basic overview of what kind of post it is and what it is about. The title would of course not show on the actual social media read more
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EmilVK on February 21, 2022
When creating social posts it would be nice to be able to add titles and/or tags to them so that we may, internally, get a basic overview of what kind of post it is and what it is about. The title would of course not show on the actual social media read more
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Member | Partner
October 06, 2020
Gamechanger! Thank you!
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