
Member since ‎Aug 18, 2020
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Kevin Yeh

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Christine on June 26, 2020
Allow all super admins to change owner on email template. It's a simple idea. Someone who worked for our company 5 years ago and is no longer here owns the template. Just the appearance of his name as the owner can be a deterrant for other sales mem read more
40 Replies
February 16, 2023
Our company is on the Starter plan. What I can do as Super Admin is to use an existing template, save as a new template and delete the old template more
mschnitt on April 05, 2017
We have a number of MAC users. It would be nice to have HubSpot integrate with Outlook for MAC users. Is this a feature that will be available soon?
July 14, 2021
My colleague helped me solve the problem – switch off New Outlook on the top right. Be safe, and relax in the current 3rd COVID wave.
mschnitt on April 05, 2017
We have a number of MAC users. It would be nice to have HubSpot integrate with Outlook for MAC users. Is this a feature that will be available soon?
July 14, 2021
My colleague helped me solve the problem – switch off New Outlook on the top right. Be safe, and relax in the current 3rd COVID wave.
beckyschaen on November 16, 2017
Our users using Hubspot CRM free and Sales need the ability to receive a reminder email for overdue tasks. As sales people, they are very busy and the original reminder email gets lost in their inboxes and they often forget about their tasks. If read more
17 Replies
August 31, 2020
Yes, it would be great to be able to have the option to receive daily reminders of meetings, outstanding tasks, tickets for the user via email, to more
ccds11 on March 17, 2017
Is there a process for associating tags to contacts or companies? If not, is there another way in which to associate certain qualities to contacts and/or companies that are not already listed?
242 Replies
August 22, 2020
Yes please add tags!
Davis on May 04, 2017
when we add new contacts we make separate contacts for people like families, friends, etc. I think it would be a great feature if there is a way to link two contacts together. ie: if we add contacts for a married couple, the contact info on husband read more
103 Replies
August 18, 2020
This idea of household is critical to a financial advisory business like mine, we look after families in terms of their financial plan, life more
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