
Participant | Partner
Member since ‎Aug 13, 2020
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Simon Biss

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Participant | Partner
November 13, 2020
Having been following this thread for some time, I was interested to see that overnight @hubspot has enabled a new calculation for deal amount - more
Simon_MyLeads on October 19, 2020
A number of feature requests have popped up for OOO changes to lead allocation and uneven distribution of leads, but another helpful request would be that leads are allocated based on availability. For instance: User A works 9 - 3 User B works read more
1 Reply
Participant | Partner
October 19, 2020
@MeganLegge thanks for your feedback on this developing idea. Do you have any update on the beta for distributing leads unevenly? As it's now more
Simon_MyLeads on October 12, 2020
I'm using the Atomic template by GiantFocal to create our HubSpot website and would like to make use of anchors on every page to aid navigation, directing prospects to information that's of most use to them. I'm well aware of how anchors work an read more
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3 Replies
Participant | Partner
September 23, 2020
This would be very useful. Seems no reason why you couldn't create a note for a specific contact/contacts through a workflow. In our case, we have more
Participant | Partner
September 18, 2020
This would be really useful for us too. For instance, our sales commission periods are from the third week in one month to the third week in the more
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