
Mitglied seit ‎Aug 12, 2020
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Micaela Martinez

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Laura_Cm on September 10, 2018
Hi there, we're actually using smart content on our thank you pages and CTAs and considered to build one of our next emails with smart content. Unfortunatly, it's not possible to measure the performance of several versions of the page or email s Beitrag ansehen
72 Antworten
Oktober 13, 2020
Agreed, the smart content is not being used to the fullest extent if we cannot see any reporting data on it like the rest of the email. Sure you can ...Beitrag ansehen
micaelamartinez on August 12, 2020
I'm trying to have my AddThis buttons appear on my landing page. Here are the steps I've taken trying to figure this out: - Entered the AddThis code into a custom module (in the HTML+HUBL section) - Added the custom module to my landing page te Beitrag ansehen
August 14, 2020
@Kevin-C Thank you, that was the problem! A colleague provide the AddThis code snippet, but I guess an AddThis tool was never actually created. Wen...Beitrag ansehen
micaelamartinez on August 12, 2020
I'm trying to have my AddThis buttons appear on my landing page. Here are the steps I've taken trying to figure this out: - Entered the AddThis code into a custom module (in the HTML+HUBL section) - Added the custom module to my landing page te Beitrag ansehen
August 14, 2020
@Kevin-C Thank you, that was the problem! A colleague provide the AddThis code snippet, but I guess an AddThis tool was never actually created. Wen...Beitrag ansehen
micaelamartinez on August 12, 2020
I'm trying to have my AddThis buttons appear on my landing page. Here are the steps I've taken trying to figure this out: - Entered the AddThis code into a custom module (in the HTML+HUBL section) - Added the custom module to my landing page te Beitrag ansehen
August 14, 2020
@Kevin-C Thank you, that was the problem! A colleague provide the AddThis code snippet, but I guess an AddThis tool was never actually created. Wen...Beitrag ansehen
micaelamartinez on August 12, 2020
I'm trying to have my AddThis buttons appear on my landing page. Here are the steps I've taken trying to figure this out: - Entered the AddThis code into a custom module (in the HTML+HUBL section) - Added the custom module to my landing page te Beitrag ansehen
August 14, 2020
@Kevin-C Thank you, that was the problem! A colleague provide the AddThis code snippet, but I guess an AddThis tool was never actually created. Wen...Beitrag ansehen
micaelamartinez on August 12, 2020
I'm trying to have my AddThis buttons appear on my landing page. Here are the steps I've taken trying to figure this out: - Entered the AddThis code into a custom module (in the HTML+HUBL section) - Added the custom module to my landing page te Beitrag ansehen
August 14, 2020
@Kevin-C Thank you, that was the problem! A colleague provide the AddThis code snippet, but I guess an AddThis tool was never actually created. Wen...Beitrag ansehen
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