
Member since ‎Aug 12, 2020
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phtheref on March 12, 2024
Hi! How can I clean companies properties if needed. I mean - I don't want to delete property but for examples I have 100 companies with property name: sold_products - where is multiple values I need to clean current values and update those new read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
March 12, 2024
Hmm... I should probably use chatgpt or something for better English 😉 Point 1: This is clear and easy Point2: How am I able to remove old more
phtheref on March 12, 2024
Hi! How can I clean companies properties if needed. I mean - I don't want to delete property but for examples I have 100 companies with property name: sold_products - where is multiple values I need to clean current values and update those new read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
March 12, 2024
Hmm... I should probably use chatgpt or something for better English 😉 Point 1: This is clear and easy Point2: How am I able to remove old more
phtheref on March 12, 2024
Hi! How can I clean companies properties if needed. I mean - I don't want to delete property but for examples I have 100 companies with property name: sold_products - where is multiple values I need to clean current values and update those new read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
March 12, 2024
Hmm... I should probably use chatgpt or something for better English 😉 Point 1: This is clear and easy Point2: How am I able to remove old more
phtheref on January 11, 2024
Hi! I've created workflow for creating deal to "billing" pipeline when deal goes to Closed Won stage. I'd like to create this newly created billing deal url-link for original deal where is stored all billing information. Best place for this would read more
phtheref on June 01, 2023
Hi! I have an urgent need for create & update deals from Google Sheets to Hubspot. I managed to did this with zapier zap but it doesn't create line items. I can live without this (because all deals which are coming from Google sheet are using s read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
June 02, 2023
Do they need paid license for creating & updating deals?
phtheref on June 01, 2023
Hi! I have an urgent need for create & update deals from Google Sheets to Hubspot. I managed to did this with zapier zap but it doesn't create line items. I can live without this (because all deals which are coming from Google sheet are using s read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
June 02, 2023
Do they need paid license for creating & updating deals?
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