
Member since ‎Aug 11, 2020
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Marco Cetina

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Nicolas33 on March 06, 2019
Hi! After I deleted an User on our portal (an employee who no longer works with us), the API started to send thousands of emails with the same error: "User 3951348 does not have permissions on portal 2100995" I now realize that all of our c read more
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4 Replies
May 12, 2021
Hi there, I'm having the same problem and I have tried everything but I still have the problem. I changed the email of one of my users and now more
marcopolo on February 22, 2021
Hi there, I've been experiencing problems with the tasks today and I wanted to know if it's the HubSpot system. If I use the task section I can't see the contacts to choose them. Additionaly, my team was having issues the whole day and wer read more
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January 14, 2021
This would be really useful
DwiP on January 07, 2020
Currently, in HubSpot, we can upload files from Google Drive as attachments in the Deal Record. However, users is not able to select Shared Drives in the Google Drive. It would be beneficial if there would be an improved functionality where user wo read more
24 Replies
November 19, 2020
We need this!!
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