
Miembro desde ‎jul 31, 2017
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Abril 22, 2020
One item I would add to this would be the ability to Export Contact Properties by Property Group. Just having the properties doesn't tell the whole ...Leer más
Junio 17, 2019
Merging contacts is always a horrible task for me. In a perfect world, I could merge through a screen that shows the properties for contact 1 on the...Leer más
Octubre 16, 2018
So far I have seen two third-party companies that have already created a solution to this problem through an integration to Hubspot. How is it that ...Leer más
Octubre 16, 2018
This would be a great tool for my company. We have certain custom fields in HubSpot that are applied by workflows but once a field hits a certain le...Leer más
Junio 04, 2018
I was coming in to add this exactly. We have multiple URLs that redirect to a main download page and we need to apply lead sources per URL that we ...Leer más
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