
Member since ‎Aug 7, 2020
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Pablo PG

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ppgopensalud on January 05, 2021
Hello! It would be great if we can justify the texts at the emails and templates (that is very common).
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ppgopensalud on December 01, 2020
Hi! It would be great if we can download the full chat thread as pdf for example. Send it through email is not convinient at all. Thanks
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Tangerine on March 13, 2017
when a contact is added to Hubspot the telephone prefix is set to default to the US. I am in the UK and having to re set it for every contact is tiresome. why not have this as one of the choises in setting?
78 Replies
October 26, 2020
Totally agreed
ppgopensalud on August 07, 2020
Other areas in HubSpot allow to change the width of the columns that you can see to get vision more completed. I propose to add this feature also to this section. Thanks. Screenshoot: Greetings
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