
Member since ‎Jul 29, 2017
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Eric Klein

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EricCrux on January 09, 2018
So I understand the ramifications of merging contacts in Hubspot. But the real question I have is should I? Here are the two use cases I'm thinking of. Back ground, we are a B2B SaaS company. First - Contact with business and personal email read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
January 30, 2018
Thanks for the feedback everyone and the reference about depreciated contacts. That's a use case we are seeing a great deal of as well. (so an more
EricCrux on January 09, 2018
So I understand the ramifications of merging contacts in Hubspot. But the real question I have is should I? Here are the two use cases I'm thinking of. Back ground, we are a B2B SaaS company. First - Contact with business and personal email read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
January 30, 2018
Thanks for the feedback everyone and the reference about depreciated contacts. That's a use case we are seeing a great deal of as well. (so an more
EricCrux on January 09, 2018
So I understand the ramifications of merging contacts in Hubspot. But the real question I have is should I? Here are the two use cases I'm thinking of. Back ground, we are a B2B SaaS company. First - Contact with business and personal email read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
January 30, 2018
Thanks for the feedback everyone and the reference about depreciated contacts. That's a use case we are seeing a great deal of as well. (so an more
SarahN on November 20, 2017
Right now, when I filter through completed tasks, it shows me the tasks that were completed which had a due date during the timeframe I specified. When really, I want to be able to see if past-due tasks were also completed that day as well. Th read more
8 Replies
December 22, 2017
Frankly, the timeline in my opinion needs to reflect the task completion date not the due date. I have to think this is something Hubspot can more
SeanHenri on May 19, 2017
It's challenging to keep the Messages app open all the time in my browser. It would be amazing if I could be notified of new chats in Slack. Even better would be the ability to hold the entire conversation right in Slack, with the option to sw read more
68 Replies
July 31, 2017
Yea, I'm familiar with well as a number of competing products likes Workato and IFTTT. Good services to bridge but also start to add up more
SeanHenri on May 19, 2017
It's challenging to keep the Messages app open all the time in my browser. It would be amazing if I could be notified of new chats in Slack. Even better would be the ability to hold the entire conversation right in Slack, with the option to sw read more
68 Replies
July 31, 2017
Yea, I'm familiar with well as a number of competing products likes Workato and IFTTT. Good services to bridge but also start to add up more
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