
Member since ‎Aug 3, 2020
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Rita Slusser

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ritas on November 11, 2021
When creating a Deal in Hubspot there is a 99 line item limit. I believe you can add more items but you can't see them to edit the pricing or make sure they are in sequence. We often have Deals that are more than 99 lines because we are trying to read more
14 Replies
March 10, 2023
Unfortunately and disappointing yes this limit still applies or at least it did the last time I needed it. It takes time and effort to figure out a more
ritas on November 11, 2021
It would be great to have the ability to add a section/caption/title when creating a Deal and then add the products under that. We often have to quote our customers product by their equipment #(s). We have the ability to add sections in PandaDoc b read more
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ritas on November 11, 2021
When creating a Deal in Hubspot there is a 99 line item limit. I believe you can add more items but you can't see them to edit the pricing or make sure they are in sequence. We often have Deals that are more than 99 lines because we are trying to read more
14 Replies
March 10, 2023
Unfortunately and disappointing yes this limit still applies or at least it did the last time I needed it. It takes time and effort to figure out a more
ritas on December 14, 2020
HubSpot currently does not provide a line item # for each line quoted. This makes it difficult when putting the lines in sequence needed for the quote and it also make it more difficult to communicate when a customer wants a change on a quote or wh read more
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