
Member since ‎Jul 31, 2020
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Dave Karson

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Dave94040 on February 08, 2021
Hi. The HubSpot Customer Rep suggested I come to this board and post my recommendation. Here it is: I run sales ops and I wade through many company records in that capacity, trying to find "Discovery Meetings" etc. etc. Many of my SDR's send o read more
Dave94040 on September 18, 2020
I do Sales Ops, and it sure would be nice if every Monday, an automated workflow would print out the Deals, Stages, Close Dates, etc. without me having to do anything. The reports are built, now let's automate the task of sending them to people read more
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Dave94040 on September 18, 2020
Would like to have the capibility to link and/or Export HubSpot Org Charts to Excel, Powerpoint, Word, etc. Also, would like to see more powerful Org Chart features.
1 upvote
2 Replies
KSweet on July 09, 2020
Currently we are only allowed 5 pinned views/filters when looking at tickets, techincally its only 4 because All Tickets is already pinned and you cannot remove it. I would like to suggest being able to pin at least 10 views/filters.
September 15, 2020
I agree 100%. Three unique pins are too limiting. I would like one for each sales team. So yes 10 would be nice.
Hana on September 20, 2017
Hi, is there a way how I can see in dashboard current deal stages and current time in each stage. I found out that "Time in stage xxx" shows values only for deals which finished, has been moved from this stage. This would help us to underst read more
23 Replies
August 19, 2020
Hi Ed, Back in 2017, you said Hubspot could not tell the sales team the time spent in various stages of the deal, to help monitor deal flow. It's more
Dave94040 on July 31, 2020
I am "cleaning" our records and when I find a contact record that needs "cleaning" I want to send it to the contact owner for him to "clean". How would I do that? thanks, Dave
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