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Member since ‎Jul 20, 2020
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Jackson Godoy

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jackson_OFO on December 07, 2022
Hi, I'm looking for a dynamic product comparison module similar to this one here . I was wondering if you can achieve this with HubSpot and if not, are there any 3rd party apps that can be embedded? Thanks.
Member | Partner
November 09, 2022
Hopefully one day HubSpot will pay attention to great ideas like these... This should have already been implemented.
Member | Partner
February 09, 2022
No reason this shouldn't be a thing. We need this ASAP.
jackson_OFO on March 30, 2021
Right now, you can only add anchor links that link to a rich text module. I want to link a button on a page to the form on the same page. For example, if my form is at the top of the page, I would add a button/cta at the bottom that sends them ba read more
Member | Partner
October 29, 2020
It's been almost a year now, has there been any update on this? We are having the same problems with our emails. It seems to invert all of the more
jackson_OFO on October 28, 2020
With dark mode taking over many clients, it only makes sense to have a version editor so we can manage how the "dark mode colors" will look. Right now, all of the colors get inverted so the dark mode email doesn't share the correct brand colors read more
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