
Member since ‎Jul 17, 2020
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Bernardamus on July 30, 2021
Hello! I noticed that some contacts always display a mail open date that is exactly the same as the "last contacted" timestamp. I understand that some humans might eventually read an email at the instant, but I tend to suspect that this "tracked o read more
July 30, 2021
If somebody at Hubspot is reading us, I would recommend to add a "score" to evaluate if the opening is "human" or likely to be "automated". For more
Bernardamus on July 30, 2021
Hello! I noticed that some contacts always display a mail open date that is exactly the same as the "last contacted" timestamp. I understand that some humans might eventually read an email at the instant, but I tend to suspect that this "tracked o read more
July 30, 2021
If somebody at Hubspot is reading us, I would recommend to add a "score" to evaluate if the opening is "human" or likely to be "automated". For more
Bernardamus on July 30, 2021
Hello! I noticed that some contacts always display a mail open date that is exactly the same as the "last contacted" timestamp. I understand that some humans might eventually read an email at the instant, but I tend to suspect that this "tracked o read more
July 30, 2021
If somebody at Hubspot is reading us, I would recommend to add a "score" to evaluate if the opening is "human" or likely to be "automated". For more
Bernardamus on May 20, 2021
When creating conditions for a view it turns out that only the AND operator is available for combining different rules. Isn't there a way to use an OR operator instead of AND?  
1 Reply
Bernardamus on May 14, 2021
I am using the Free CRM and I had no problem to customize the Sign Up forms for the newsletter, but I am having troubles customizing the form that our contacts use to unsuscribe & manage mail preferences. 1) The text appears to be in Spanish read more
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May 15, 2021
Thanks for your reply. And yes, I am based in Spain, so I guess that's the reason for the language displayed
Bernardamus on November 14, 2020
I am having issues with the Spritle Freshdesk integration. In this example you can see that a ticket was creted on Freshdesk on the 13th of November, but it is logged on Hubspot as it happened on the 19th of June How to fix that?
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May 14, 2021
The issue has been fixed by the developer of the integration
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