
Member since ‎Jul 15, 2020
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joshwhite on October 24, 2024
hubspot isnt sending me webchat email notifications - ive tried everything on other used to work but suddenly doesnt e.g. setting notications on, checking my email, checking my spam etc - nothing works.
1 upvote
3 Replies
November 08, 2024
umm im still at a loss?? so this is unresolved still - also why are others able to accept solutions, thats just silly
joshwhite on October 24, 2024
hubspot isnt sending me webchat email notifications - ive tried everything on other used to work but suddenly doesnt e.g. setting notications on, checking my email, checking my spam etc - nothing works.
1 upvote
3 Replies
November 08, 2024
umm im still at a loss?? so this is unresolved still - also why are others able to accept solutions, thats just silly
joshwhite on October 24, 2024
hubspot isnt sending me webchat email notifications - ive tried everything on other used to work but suddenly doesnt e.g. setting notications on, checking my email, checking my spam etc - nothing works.
1 upvote
3 Replies
November 08, 2024
umm im still at a loss?? so this is unresolved still - also why are others able to accept solutions, thats just silly
joshwhite on July 15, 2020
Hi there, We need to change a landing page bullet style in starter template. Currently bullet is a black bullet, but we want the section background to be black too, we dont want to use a custom bullet as the formatting goes wrong. Please help. read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
July 21, 2020
can anyone help with this? assuming its not possible?
joshwhite on July 15, 2020
Hi there, We need to change a landing page bullet style in starter template. Currently bullet is a black bullet, but we want the section background to be black too, we dont want to use a custom bullet as the formatting goes wrong. Please help. read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
July 21, 2020
can anyone help with this? assuming its not possible?
joshwhite on July 15, 2020
Hi there, We need to change a landing page bullet style in starter template. Currently bullet is a black bullet, but we want the section background to be black too, we dont want to use a custom bullet as the formatting goes wrong. Please help. read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
July 21, 2020
can anyone help with this? assuming its not possible?
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