
Mitglied seit ‎Jul 14, 2020
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Stacia Sleight

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jessio on Mai 30, 2018
I think it would be great to be able to schedule a recurring meeting with a contact. At the moment you can schedule meetings & integrate this with your calendar but you can't schedule it to happen every week, month etc, so you need to continue a Beitrag ansehen
66 Antworten
Juli 15, 2022
This feature is incredibly needed!! Or at least a marketplace app. Has anyone found a good workaround to this yet to book recurring meetings? Workflo...Beitrag ansehen
saravidal on Oktober 29, 2019
It would be great to have a filter that filters contacts by global bouncing, not only if they unsubscribe from marketing emails. F.e: If a contact is not working anymore in an enterprise and its email is disabled, it would be of great help Beitrag ansehen
37 Antworten
September 28, 2021
I agree, we desperately need this tool as we have paying customers who are bouncing that we need to identify before they email in and say "I haven't ...Beitrag ansehen
ellenrathburn on Juli 29, 2019
I am using zapier to create rows on a spreadsheet as form-fills are submitted to create warranty requests for my company's tech department. I would like to find a way to create a timestamp within the spreadsheet, or generate an ID number automatical Beitrag ansehen
Juli 14, 2020
Hello, I'm still looking for a solution to map the contact form submission date -> Zapier -> Google Sheets. I don't see the form submission...Beitrag ansehen
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