
Miembro desde ‎jul 13, 2020
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Katelynn Salmon

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NSeter en Enero 04, 2021
As a super admin I would be very benefical to see whom in the company/team that has successfully connected their outlook or gmail with Hubspot
Febrero 01, 2022
Agreed. Both email and calendars would be helpful.
nathanparis en May 29, 2019
Right now you only have the abilty to create tasks in workflows. Other MA platforms allow you to merge fields and save into a note during autmation which is extremly handy for team members when viewing hisotry of activity. For example someone f Leer más
353 Me gusta
109 Respuestas
Diciembre 21, 2021
+100 this would really be a useful feature for us.
glencornell en Abril 11, 2019
There's no way to see the contacts that are actually opening, clicking, replying, and booking meetings on sequences. This report is currently only helpful for evaluating the effectiveness of a sequence but it does not allow users to take action from Leer más
411 Me gusta
152 Respuestas
Marzo 30, 2021
THANK YOU! This is great! @glencornell
SteveJenns en Marzo 06, 2017
I would like to set up field dependencies for Contact Properties, to ensure that my Sales/Marketing team are updating contact details correctly. For example, I would only want certain fields to be editable against a contact record if anoth Leer más
1050 Me gusta
316 Respuestas
Marzo 10, 2021
Also bumping this up- it feels like such an oversight that this funtionality is missing. The last CRM we had included this, it's super important to m...Leer más
Dylan en Enero 04, 2020
Breaking apart from this, 2 part idea: HubSpot should allow admins to define a different set of required properties based on the pipeline a deal Leer más
347 Me gusta
141 Respuestas
Marzo 10, 2021
@Dylan I'd love to know if you have an ETA on the release date for this feature. Thx!
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