
Miembro desde ‎jul 10, 2020
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Mel B

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May 25, 2023
Hello everyone I found a workaround that is a bit annoying but it works. How the CES currently works its currently linked to a pipeline that reads wh...Leer más
Agosto 04, 2021
Melb11 en Marzo 30, 2021
I think we need more reporting capabilities with the KB, analytics. Like visuals, graphs over time, sources, click rates. We activated the knowledgebase at the same time as we activated a chatbot. I have reached out to support multiple times due the Leer más
Melb11 en Marzo 24, 2021
I think that it will be a huge help if we could have the option to get notifications for the knowledge base activity. We recently activated ours and i find myself constantly checking and finding the same numbers (which is fine and expected). I belie Leer más
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Julio 10, 2020
Hello, I just got off chat with a Rep and we found there is no functionality to "lock" in place to restrict access to creating/editing Snippets or ...Leer más
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