
Member since ‎Jul 9, 2020
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Benjamin Charlton

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UHDCreative on September 18, 2017
I wish you were able to receive email through hubspot. Seems to make sense considering you can send an email. If the client replies back it can only be accessed through my email provider. Makes it hard to send an email with a hubspot tracked attachm read more
July 10, 2020
Why does it only work for replies to a logged email? I suggest that emails received from contacts (even if unsolicited and not replies) should be more
CophieSollins on February 19, 2020
We as a business really need to be able to track/log our sales teams emails across all devices. Just using a plug in on desktop or including the email address in bcc is not enough. Why when you connect your inbox does it not sync all emails sent/i read more
July 10, 2020
"Why when you connect your inbox does it not sync all emails sent/incoming straight into hubspot at server level?" I agree with the above ^. more
adolusncd on February 19, 2020
Apparently the only way to log inbound emails initiated by a Contact (i.e. emails that aren't a reply to a logged outbound email) is to forward the email to hubspotID This is using Gmail integration. Can you not tell wh read more
36 Replies
July 10, 2020
There are dozens of people asking for this or something like it, dating back years. Does anybody here know why it hasn't been implemented? more
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