
Participant | Gold Partner
Member since ‎Jul 7, 2020
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Jules Zeesman

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willtp on December 08, 2020
Hi. We run paid LinkedIn campaigns using LinkedIn's campaign manager. One of the most important things we do to maximise ROI is test thge copy and design of adverts during the campaign to find the highest converting copy/design. Currently, y read more
10 Replies
Participant | Gold Partner
January 11, 2024
The fact that this issue still isn't resolved is very upsetting. This feature is imperative to effectively manage ad accounts, and the fact that it more
jzeesman on May 15, 2023
So if you've been working with HubSpot for a long time, you may or may not know how to access your own Support Inbox for HubSpot-related issues: The old way to access your support inbox took 2 steps. Old way - Step 1: Click "Help" in the bot read more
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jzeesman on May 15, 2023
HubSpot is an evolving platform, which is one of the things I love about it. That being said, I think something that has gone unsaid is that changelogs (the monthly release notes) aren't being promoted. I never I was shocked to discover that H read more
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jzeesman on May 15, 2023
When doing HubSpot implementations for our clients, we like to set up views: views for the business development team to display hot leads, views for management to display contacts/companies with deals, etc. The issue arises when a particular e read more
jzeesman on May 15, 2023
One thing that I believe makes the list tool a bit cumbersome is the fact that I have to constantly edit columns every single time. I think, like views functionality on the Contacts and Company pages, it would be nice to be able to save column read more
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akash on February 15, 2017
There should be an option to sort smart lists by when a contact was added to the list. For example, I have a smart list of people who visited a specific page of our website in the last 7 days. I now ideally want to reach out to them persona read more
60 Replies
Participant | Gold Partner
December 06, 2022
I'm not sure when it happened, but HubSpot added a "Date added to List" property when looking at lists; however, you are unable to sort by it. more
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