
Member since ‎Jul 7, 2020
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Aleson Rietow

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awrietow on October 10, 2024
I am looking to fill in single line text field in a deal with the content of a date field. I would like to add the date to a deal when it's created in the deal name using a workflow. But I want to format the number to display a specific way (YYY read more
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1 Reply
shiling on March 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. read more
113 Replies
October 09, 2024
Is there a status update on this feature? I also have a client that would like this capability.
Ruscoe on May 05, 2020
I want to create a new company view using a copy/pasted list of values as a filter. Usually when I create a list, I can paste a list of values into a filter easily using a semi-colon in between each one. But I don't want a list of contacts, I read more
22 Replies
October 31, 2023
You can also use the "find and replace" feature in a basic text editor.
Ruscoe on May 05, 2020
I want to create a new company view using a copy/pasted list of values as a filter. Usually when I create a list, I can paste a list of values into a filter easily using a semi-colon in between each one. But I don't want a list of contacts, I read more
22 Replies
October 31, 2023
You can also use the "find and replace" feature in a basic text editor.
Ruscoe on May 05, 2020
I want to create a new company view using a copy/pasted list of values as a filter. Usually when I create a list, I can paste a list of values into a filter easily using a semi-colon in between each one. But I don't want a list of contacts, I read more
22 Replies
October 31, 2023
You can also use the "find and replace" feature in a basic text editor.
jpearson86 on December 10, 2019
Hi, I finally managed to get Zapier to create or update an existing contact. I then managed to get Zapier to create a new deal. However, the two are completely separate. I want to be able to go in to my contact and see that there is an assoc read more
1 upvote
34 Replies
July 07, 2020
@sackerly would you be willing to share a copy of your zap? Or a screenshot of the 3rd action and how it's set up?
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