
Member since ‎Jul 6, 2020
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Mitchell Regenstreif

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Mitchell_ on July 06, 2020
It is currently impossible to generate a report for the Product Library. The only possible export is the complete export of the library (no filters can be applied and it is impossible to select specific columns). The current produt export requi read more
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claireWorkCast on February 25, 2020
Hi I would like to submit for Products not to be associated just to a deal. This information should be able to pull across to the company record, the contact level and then a workflow to tickets could be implemented. This would mean that when read more
51 Replies
July 06, 2020
Hello, Currently it is not possible to link a company and a product, therefore in order for me to accomplish the task, I would need to product 2 more
Mitchell_ on July 06, 2020
When you link a product from the product library to a deal, the item does not remain "linked". When saying this, I mean that if you change any facet of the product in the product library, it has absolutely no impact to the product within the deals t read more
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