
Mitglied seit ‎Jul 6, 2020
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Kyle Risi

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KyleRisi on August 20, 2020
Hi Team, 👋 We recently migrated over from a different CRM - Shocked is the only way to describe how gross our data was. we spend days cleaning and sorting contacts, companies and deals. To make sure we are never in this situation again - Beitrag ansehen
Juli 28, 2020
Thanks Adam This sounds promising, I like the idea of having these custom fields on the company record, however to make this robist i would like ...Beitrag ansehen
KyleRisi on Juli 28, 2020
Hi Team 👋 . We sell software, several different kinds of software to our clients. A typical deal will contain the following products 1 x professional services (we help you get set up and trained) 1 x 1 year licence to use our software Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
KyleRisi on Juli 17, 2020
I would like to be able to pull in some high level stats about a company in our CRM from our own user platform, i.e number of employees. So my question is, can I pull this infomation over into a property, and if so, can I set it so that a Hubsp Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Juli 15, 2020
Sounds good 👍 , however this is kind of what the team do now, the problem is I want this information in Hubspot and not on a document uploaded to the...Beitrag ansehen
KyleRisi on Juli 10, 2020
Hi Team 👋 , I am trying to work out the most effective way to input lead qualification data into hubspot when the sales team are on the phone to a prospect. Currently we use a physical printed out form that the Sales team follow on the cal Beitrag ansehen
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