
Member since ‎Jul 5, 2020
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Henry Cipolla

Tech geek, deep sea diver, race car driver and then more tech geek. I was a cofounder of Localytics a mobile app analytics and marketing company and after a great ride there I've teamed back up with a lot of the same people to help marketers take control of their data. Our first product is a tool to help Hubspot users explore their data. Check out my new company:


krishna7 on July 16, 2020
I have seen apis that can fetch only contact owner id, mail and value. Is there any way to retrieve contact owner (HubSpot user) phone number?
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1 Reply
July 19, 2020
Krishna, I don't think this is possible. The best I could find is the get Owner API which returns name, email, and even signature but does not more
Chloe1 on February 07, 2019
We are wanting to know if it is possible to integrate hubspot with an excel spreadsheet so that the excel spreadsheet automatically updates with the live data on hubspot.
July 08, 2020
It's not Excel, but our company does literally this for Google Sheets. We provide query APIs for your data, table builders, and keep all the data up more
johnjohn on July 01, 2020
I have implemented many integrations with hubspot API using api key (less secure) approach, for example inside my c# application i have the following code to integrate with hubspot api to get the companies:- { wc.Encoding = Encoding read more
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July 05, 2020
Hi JohnJohn, OAuth involves more than just tweaking the existing API request. You need to get an access token from HubSpot that you can include more
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