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Shay Brog

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afuturemanager on April 09, 2020
Is there a possibility to delay the workflow so that no mail is sent on a certain date (e.g. because it is a public holiday)? Alternatively, it would be helpful if you could choose working days instead of always and certain weekdays.
3 Antworten
November 12, 2020
Yep, I would also like to trigger an event every new quarter, Delay til specific date with some if/thens would solve for this case, wheras today I ne...Beitrag ansehen
claireWorkCast on Februar 25, 2020
Hi I would like to submit for Products not to be associated just to a deal. This information should be able to pull across to the company record, the contact level and then a workflow to tickets could be implemented. This would mean that when Beitrag ansehen
52 Antworten
Oktober 01, 2020
I don't think I can even use the Products feature effectiely without it being tied to the Company record, since the Sales team and uses Deal records ...Beitrag ansehen
dbrundage on Dezember 18, 2019
I use the "update stage properties" to require users to fill out certain properties before they advance a deal to a given stage. However, when a user first creates a deal, they are able to bypass these requirements. This makes the "update stage prop Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
August 25, 2020
Same issue, need to enforce certain properties are filled and they are being bypassed by skipping stages.
JonnyT on Juni 27, 2018
We work with several different pipelines of HubSpot service tickets. We would like to set the default for displayed ticket properties based on the pipeline we're working with. For instance, we want to see our custom "Serial Number" field in our RM Beitrag ansehen
66 Antworten
August 19, 2020
Just setting up Service Hub, very surprised to see this doesn't exist, we definitely need it as well.
ploklue on April 22, 2020
Is there a way for me to filter contacts by a "last contacted by"? I'd like to see all the contacts that my coworker - who left the company - contacted last. We aren't the best at updating company owner in Hubspot CRM, so there are some contacts Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Juni 30, 2020
I too am looking to create a "Last Contacted By" (Hubspot User) property on the Contact record. Trying to do it with "Activity Created by" in workflo...Beitrag ansehen
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