
Member since ‎Jun 30, 2020
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Ken Grondell

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kgrondellcmx on May 31, 2023
We have an api connection that allows users to post content to their hubspot blog. When I test it on our blog everything is fine. When a particular user posts to their account it seems to ignore the image completely. We are passing use_featured_ima read more
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kgrondellcmx on June 30, 2020
Is there a way to add dynamic parameters to the redirect uri? In other words I want my base redirect uri to be but with each user I will send along an account id and network id which will be unique to the user so read more
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3 Replies
July 02, 2020
I figured it out. If you leave the redirect url blank it can be anything. Although not ideal it will allow me to pass values back to my application. more
kgrondellcmx on June 30, 2020
Is there a way to add dynamic parameters to the redirect uri? In other words I want my base redirect uri to be but with each user I will send along an account id and network id which will be unique to the user so read more
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3 Replies
July 02, 2020
I figured it out. If you leave the redirect url blank it can be anything. Although not ideal it will allow me to pass values back to my application. more
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