
Member since ‎Jun 23, 2020
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Jon Obers

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jonobers on May 23, 2023
Our current problem is that we have loads of meetings with blank meeting types and it is incredibly manual to go back and populate each meeting with a meeting type. If we are using native HubSpot features to generate meetings it would be preferr read more
jonobers on May 19, 2023
We have Company address and Industry information, but if we want to easily plot this information on a Geographic map, I have to export this data from HubSpot and put it into PowerBi. It would be great if a new report visualization could be created read more
7 Replies
charliepinker on September 26, 2018
It would be really helpful to be able to link to specific activities in the timeline of a company or contact. For example, linking to a specific note or logged call. This will allow our team to share call notes with others by sending them a link, ra read more
32 Replies
September 21, 2022
The ability to copy the link is indeed listed under the action drop down of the individual activity. However, someone still has to go to the more
jonobers on March 08, 2022
It would be useful to be able to set-up Line Items in which the Unit Price CANNOT be changed by an end user. The only way it should be possible to lower the Unit Price is by entering a % or $ discount. This properly records any and all dicounts an read more
1 Reply
jonobers on November 02, 2021
Contacts in HubSpot that match with LinkedIn Navigator can be leveraged to better maintain contact data quality. This connection gives companies using HubSpot and LinkedIn Navigator the ability view contacts that have received a promotion or job ch read more
0 Reply
charliepinker on September 26, 2018
It would be really helpful to be able to link to specific activities in the timeline of a company or contact. For example, linking to a specific note or logged call. This will allow our team to share call notes with others by sending them a link, ra read more
32 Replies
September 21, 2022
The ability to copy the link is indeed listed under the action drop down of the individual activity. However, someone still has to go to the more
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