
Member | Gold Partner
Member since ‎Jun 22, 2020
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Cori Albrecht

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KatyH on May 04, 2024
We have added post narration to our blog posts. I would love to see analytics associated with this new feature. If someone listens to the narration, how will I know Additionally - because the post narration is near the top of the page, if som read more
6 Replies
Member | Gold Partner
September 16, 2024
Agreed! Would love to see this. Kinda surprised it doesn't already exist!
MarianaG on September 09, 2021
it would be great to be able to add logic to survey questions in Hubspot. Creating a custom survey is great but we should be able to include conditional fields
135 Replies
Member | Gold Partner
October 13, 2023
The surveys HubSpot sends out have dependent/logic based fields. And you can do logic-based fields in forms. Seems like this should be an easy fix more
MarianaG on September 09, 2021
it would be great to be able to add logic to survey questions in Hubspot. Creating a custom survey is great but we should be able to include conditional fields
135 Replies
Member | Gold Partner
October 13, 2023
The surveys HubSpot sends out have dependent/logic based fields. And you can do logic-based fields in forms. Seems like this should be an easy fix more
YodelerCori on October 04, 2022
How do you track pledges for Nonprofits using HubSpot?
0 upvote
2 Replies
garinhess on April 29, 2020
I have a premium piece of content that requires a landing page for a big form fill to download. That all works great. I have a pop-up form that has a simple button on it (screenshot ) that leads to the landing page. The l read more
21 Replies
Member | Gold Partner
June 06, 2022
Agreed! We need this too!!
StevenN on March 01, 2021
Hello, I would love to see the possibility to sort blog tags within the blog post itself. Currently this is limited by the default sorting by Tag ID. e.g. Goal: Make these Tags sortable (drag&drop) or give us additonal fiel read more
9 Replies
Member | Gold Partner
October 22, 2021
Seems like such a basic function. Would love to see this happen. Can't believe you can't at least re-order them in order of importance in the field. more
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