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Member since ‎Jun 16, 2020
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Rob Dracker

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RRRadu on October 23, 2017
We use WordPress for our main site and we'd like to be able to associate WordPress pages to Campaigns. At the moment, we can only associate Blog or Landing pages hosted on Hubspot. It seems strange that while we use the Hubspot tracking code, an read more
154 Replies
Member | Partner
November 23, 2021
Adding my vote to this - we are missing out ona lot of follow-through with campaign data. Please, please, please allow Wordpress pages and other more
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 14 votes. The ability to break forms up into 2-3 steps. Gradually asking for more information would be useful. See Unbounce's feature: read more
108 Replies
Member | Partner
October 01, 2021
I second MissTipsi's sentiment - creating web leads has a lot to do with user experience. Long forms are not great, where stepped forms with fewer more
wmcstudios on July 21, 2021
I'd like to see the ability to to generate a custom CTA class that can be applied to native elements on a webpage. For example, something like adding .hscta to an element's class to allow anything from images to native UI elements, social icons and read more
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Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 14 votes. The ability to break forms up into 2-3 steps. Gradually asking for more information would be useful. See Unbounce's feature: read more
108 Replies
Member | Partner
October 01, 2021
I second MissTipsi's sentiment - creating web leads has a lot to do with user experience. Long forms are not great, where stepped forms with fewer more
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