
Member since ‎Jul 21, 2017
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Satyam Sahay

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SatyamSahay14 on October 05, 2017
Hello Everyone, I need two different Thankyou pages to display depending on the form input value once the form is submitted. Here is the form: In the form, we have the number of trucks field. N read more
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1 Reply
SatyamSahay14 on September 08, 2017
Hi All, I would be really obliged if any of you could help me with this migration process. I have website build in Hubspot. But now I need to migrate this website from Hubspot to Wordress without any loss of data and minimum changes. Please read more
18 Replies
SatyamSahay14 on September 04, 2017
Hi All, Here is the thing I want. I want a dynamic page where all the job description will be inserted in a database when user enter any data on editing website pages in hubspot and on page load data will be fetched in a form of accordian(pleas read more
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7 Replies
September 07, 2017
From Developer Info I have taken information from Developer Info only but as you can see and as I mentioned in my previous message more
SatyamSahay14 on September 04, 2017
Hi All, Here is the thing I want. I want a dynamic page where all the job description will be inserted in a database when user enter any data on editing website pages in hubspot and on page load data will be fetched in a form of accordian(pleas read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
September 07, 2017
From Developer Info I have taken information from Developer Info only but as you can see and as I mentioned in my previous message more
SatyamSahay14 on September 04, 2017
Hi All, Here is the thing I want. I want a dynamic page where all the job description will be inserted in a database when user enter any data on editing website pages in hubspot and on page load data will be fetched in a form of accordian(pleas read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
September 07, 2017
From Developer Info I have taken information from Developer Info only but as you can see and as I mentioned in my previous message more
SatyamSahay14 on September 04, 2017
Hi All, Here is the thing I want. I want a dynamic page where all the job description will be inserted in a database when user enter any data on editing website pages in hubspot and on page load data will be fetched in a form of accordian(pleas read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
September 07, 2017
From Developer Info I have taken information from Developer Info only but as you can see and as I mentioned in my previous message more
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