
Member since ‎Jun 12, 2020
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Brad Thompson

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sbradthompson on September 15, 2023
I have been asked by my IT security team to : You should disallow access to CORS requests with the “ Origin: null ” header especially in the case of credentialed requests. They say it's an easy fix, anyone have any insight to help here?
sbradthompson on May 03, 2023
Hi, we have business unit that will require a bcc for all emails associated specifically with that business unit going forward. It seems the bcc feature is all emails or none in the settings. Anyone worked around this before?
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sbradthompson on April 26, 2022
Hi, We're lookign to take a list of 900 contacts and creating a workflow where they receive a series of four emails while on alternate weeks receiving calls from sales. We would like a way for as you add a number of contacts to a workflow, it c read more
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TomMonaghan on September 23, 2021
Hey folks, So the iOS 15 changes are out in the wild and I thought it was best to start a fresh thread to give everyone a place to ask questions, help each other, and share their experiences. Thanks, Tom Monaghan Director of read more
October 06, 2021
So, if someone opens an email with the masked IP, does that affect marketers being able to track activity on your website as the email cookie is the more
Frank on January 24, 2017
Hi there, we really need to run filters on dates using relative terms like "today", "yesterday" etc. -- Salesforce has this ability and it's extrememly useful: Currently, if we want read more
178 Replies
October 15, 2020
I could really use this for my lead scoring for page views and emails opened/clicked within a rolling date period. I am able to create a rolling more
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