
Miembro desde ‎jun 11, 2020
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Tony MacFarlane

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Julio 26, 2023
@ShawnHymel — I believe there does exist a method to unpublish the landing page the form is embedded on by a certain date. Many CMSs have the abili...Leer más
Marzo 20, 2023
We already use all of the above to keep stakeholders informed, but still ended up with language requirement changes prior to scheduled email—twice in...Leer más
Agosto 18, 2022
There is currently no way to limit how many times a contact can fill out a form. This is causing duplicate submissions in form that shouldn't have th...Leer más
Abril 13, 2022
Hi there! Thanks for your feedback—what I am looking for exactly: An active list of all the people who submitted at least 1/3 of the forms belong...Leer más
TMacFarlane en Abril 07, 2022
Hi! I'd like to develop an active list of all the people who filled out a number of specific forms—can it be done in HubSpot? I have developed an active list of all the people who filled out at least one of these forms, but I cannot do the oppos Leer más
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Febrero 25, 2022
I since ubpublished this page, but I've republished it for the remainder of February 2022: The inline s...Leer más
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