
Member since ‎Jun 11, 2020
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Lydia Nicoll

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cpieri on May 07, 2020
If you have any general questions about ELEVATE this is the place to post them!
1 upvote
15 Replies
July 24, 2020
Hi @cpieri , yes that answers my question. Sounds great! Thanks so much. Lydia
cpieri on May 07, 2020
If you have any general questions about ELEVATE this is the place to post them!
1 upvote
15 Replies
July 24, 2020
Hi @cpieri , yes that answers my question. Sounds great! Thanks so much. Lydia
cpieri on May 07, 2020
Have any questions about this masterclass and case study? This is the place to post them!
0 upvote
3 Replies
July 09, 2020
This was an excellent module! Thank you so much. We have one question this week: When defining our ask and outlining what the money will be used more
cpieri on May 07, 2020
Have any questions about this masterclass and case study? This is the place to post them!
0 upvote
11 Replies
July 01, 2020
Hi @emilyraleigh thank you so much for the thorough response! This makes a lot more sense to me, I appreciate the clarifications. Lydia
cpieri on May 07, 2020
Have any questions about this masterclass and case study? This is the place to post them!
0 upvote
11 Replies
July 01, 2020
Hi @emilyraleigh thank you so much for the thorough response! This makes a lot more sense to me, I appreciate the clarifications. Lydia
cpieri on May 07, 2020
Have any questions about this masterclass and case study? This is the place to post them! We'll be sourcing answers to our questions from our instructor as well as various experts across HubSpot and other organizations. As such, it may take s read more
53 Replies
June 18, 2020
Hi! Looking forward to the AMA today. I have these questions: As a small startup with b2b and b2c products (with the business model being b2b, but more
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