
Contributor | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Dec 7, 2016
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Tony Strack

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tstrack on July 13, 2021
It’d be great if the select + multi-select fields in HubDB had both a “pretty” name and a value. For example, in my attached screenshot, Agriculture Farming would be the “pretty” name and agriculture_farming would be the value. Or Oil, Ga read more
tstrack on April 22, 2019
The resize_image_url function is quite handy for preventing users from adding images of an obscene size and reducing page weight. One idea to take it to the next level would be adding a crop parameter. Something like: {{ resize_image_url("http read more
8 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 17, 2021
A crop position would be great. X could get left, center, or right. Y could get top, center, or bottom. And defaulting to the center seems more
tstrack on April 22, 2019
The resize_image_url function is quite handy for preventing users from adding images of an obscene size and reducing page weight. One idea to take it to the next level would be adding a crop parameter. Something like: {{ resize_image_url("http read more
8 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 17, 2021
A crop position would be great. X could get left, center, or right. Y could get top, center, or bottom. And defaulting to the center seems more
tstrack on May 16, 2018
I'm curious to know if there has been any headway on this issue ( ) with the recent changes to the Design Manager. L read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 17, 2018
Thanks for the detailed response @Jsum ! You always come through!
tstrack on May 16, 2018
I'm curious to know if there has been any headway on this issue ( ) with the recent changes to the Design Manager. L read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 17, 2018
Thanks for the detailed response @Jsum ! You always come through!
tstrack on May 16, 2018
I'm curious to know if there has been any headway on this issue ( ) with the recent changes to the Design Manager. L read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 17, 2018
Thanks for the detailed response @Jsum ! You always come through!
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