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Daisy Stapley-Bunten

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pauletterake on April 30, 2020
We are new to hubspot and we are setting up the system and we need to be able to setup tiered pricing on products based on the quantity ordered. This is FUNDAMENTAL to our sales process and what EVERY system I have worked in has allowed for. I hav Beitrag ansehen
58 Antworten
März 14, 2022
Yes - an add on to this would be to also have 'variable prices' for a product with a dropdown 🙂
SamanthaA on Oktober 19, 2020
Right now when creating a product report, only line items, or products associated with a deal, show up in the report. It would be ideal to be able to report on all products, including those that are not currently associated with a deal.
Mai 11, 2021
It would be great if you could create reports which relate to products not line items. For example if I have 2x Product A and 1x Product B on Deal Ex...Beitrag ansehen
1975920 on Januar 11, 2017
Hello, Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you!
208 Antworten
Juni 26, 2020
Hello I greatly NEED this feature - the workaround option on another ticket similar to this is to delete the default signature and just copy in the s...Beitrag ansehen
decunningham on Oktober 28, 2019
Currently, goals are defined by sales person. I would like a way to define goals by pipeline, so that in reports I can show how a pipeline is performing vs. the revenue goal for that pipeline.
5 Antworten
Juni 05, 2020
I love the goals functionality in Hubspot. However I think what could really make it even better is the following: Different goals for differen...Beitrag ansehen
jehiguese on August 27, 2018
HubSpot auto creates a contact for anyone that emails in - or is cc'd into a reply in conversations. For some customers who manage through support, this will mean a large number of contacts can enter the database. The only way to prevent this at the Beitrag ansehen
346 Antworten
Juni 05, 2020
Hi Hubspot! I agree with everyone here, the ability to disable automatic contact and company creation via the conversation inbox would be AMAZING. I...Beitrag ansehen
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